Hosting a Successful Casino Fundraiser

Hosting a successful casino fundraiser can be a great way to raise money for a charitable cause. In order to make your event a success, there are a few key things to keep in mind.


First and foremost, securing sponsors for the event can help to cover the costs of putting on the fundraiser. Look for local businesses or organizations that might be interested in supporting your cause, and reach out to them with a proposal outlining the benefits of sponsoring the event.

Some popular sponsorship opportunities are:

  • Signage on a casino table
  • Website and Social posts
  • Casino buy-in vouchers
  • Swag bags
  • Event Tickets
  • Event Naming Rights
  • PhotoBooth Branding
  • Dining Table Signage
  • Large temporary dance floor stickers

The more attractive you can make the sponsorship offers, the easier it will be to lock them in. Sponsorship money should cover all the costs for the event at a minimum.


Marketing the event to potential attendees is also important. Consider social media, email marketing, and even traditional print ads to get the word out. Be sure to highlight the charitable cause that the fundraiser is supporting and any special features of the event, such as live entertainment, a silent auction, & of course your amazing casino ?


Finally, it’s essential to set realistic goals for the fundraiser. Consider the amount of money you hope to raise, and plan to raise that amount from ticket sales. Divide your Goal Amount by the number of Guests you plan to have to arrive at a Ticket Price.

Example: The ASPCA wants to raise $8,000 at their Annual Gala. They have seating and dinner planned for 250 guests.

$8000 / 100 guests = $80 per ticket

Keep in mind that it may take some time to reach your fundraising goals, so be patient and persistent in your efforts.

With these tips in mind, hosting a successful casino fundraiser is a fantastic way to attract guests and sponsors to raise awareness and support your cause! At Blue Label Casinos, we have the expertise to help you plan and execute an event to be remembered.